November 20, 2014


Thankful for clothes that keep me warm. For the resolve to go the gym even when it's cold outside. For the scheduled Thanksgiving luncheon at work. For work discussions that remind me of school. For all of the books I checked out of the library last night. For how doing so still feels like winning a prize. For  traditions revised. For calm music. For exciting new recipes to try. For it almost being the weekend. For it almost being Thanksgiving. 


  1. What a lovely post. I love that line about checking books out of the library – I buy so few books these days (download some on kindle, mostly swap the rest) that every hardcopy, new book feels like a special treat. I received a book I ordered from amazon the other day and felt like a kid on Christmas morning!

    1. Thanks so much. It is fascinating how much we've shifted, as a society, to electronic books. I hope libraries continue to have books in the future, and that people continue to check them out!

      I'd never considered a book swap (I like my books too much), but I think it's a cool idea.

      Thanks for stopping by!
